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Friday Food Bites: Brie and Truffle Oil Pizza from Venice Beach Wines

Friday Food Bites: Brie and Truffle Oil Pizza from Venice Beach Wines

This might come as a surprise to you but Chris and I have been really, really bad about trying out new restaurants in Los Angeles. It's shameful to admit that in the last few months, we've probably only been indulging in one....maybe two meals a week out on the town. Between watching our spending and watching our weight thanks to our wedding day and European honeymoon quickly approaching, we've been reluctantly avoiding all of the tempting food lovers' heavens that surround us. 

But sometimes, we just have to let loose and live a little. Because we aren't getting any younger and because this city really does boast some exceptionally delicious eateries. Take for instance, Venice Beach Wines on the delightful Rose Avenue. Just a few blocks from the Santa Monica border, we can easily ride our bikes to the street that claims many delectable and diverse food options.

We've been to the gluttonous Superba Snack Bar more times than we can count. Hostaria Del Piccolo has been a solid go-to for pizza and pasta cravings. But we hadn't stepped foot into the hole in the wall known as Venice Beach Wines until last weekend. And how it impressed my palate so.

Nothing fancy. Super casual in fact. Mostly al fresco dining, this little spot has an extensive wine list and a small bites, sandwich, and cheese and charcuterie kinda menu that makes for quick selections. In fact, I think it took 20 seconds for me to decide. That never....ever happens. Lambwich, that's which. Curry rubbed rotisserie lamb, manchego, mint pesto, tomato and onion jam comes warm and melty and with all the flavor diversity one could ever hope for. It's actually pretty magical. And I will be ordering it again.

But that's not why I'm here today. While that sandwich does earn some of my highest praise, (especially for a sandwich category) it's the impeccably simple Brie and Truffle Oil Pizza that got my attention. From the beautiful dough that's nice and light with a picture-perfect twisted crust to the generous cuts of just slightly melted brie to the earthy sautéed mushrooms to the rich and harmonious truffle's quite decadent indeed. Oh, and I must mention, we added prosciutto...because one can never have enough prosciutto.

Normally I'd turn my nose at a pizza without a sauce. I'm also a snob for pizza made in a wood-burning oven, with that lovely charred crust. But this pizza needs no sauce or charred crust. It needs nothing more and nothing less. I even believe it'd be quite heavenly without the prosciutto addition.  Flawless in each and every way...if you live in the area, I'd highly recommend you order it today. 

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